Global Manifold
Base class for manifold in global embedded coordinates
- class jax_rb.manifolds.global_manifold.GlobalManifold[source]
A manifold \(\mathcal{M}\) embedded in a vector space \(\mathcal{E}\) .
- g_metric(x, omg)[source]
the metric operator g, which is symmetric. The corresponding metric is \(\langle \omega, g(x)\omega \rangle_{\mathcal{E}}\) .
- gamma(x, xi, eta)[source]
Christoffel function. Symmetric for two tangent vectors xi, eta. The corresponding Levi-Civita connection is \(\nabla_{\mathtt{X}}\mathtt{Y} = \mathrm{D}_{\mathtt{X}}\mathtt{Y} + \Gamma(x; \mathtt{X}, \mathtt{Y})\) for two vector fields \(\mathtt{X}, \mathtt{Y}\).
- inner(x, a, b)[source]
Riemannian inner product.
- Parameters:
a -- a vector in ambient space,
b -- a vector in ambient space,
- Returns:
the inner product of a and b using the metric \(\mathsf{g}\) .
- laplace_beltrami(x, egradx, ehessvp)[source]
Laplace Beltrami operator. This works in for vector and matrices. For a specific manifold, this may be simplified. We assume f is a scalar function in a tubular neighborhood of the manifold.
- Parameters:
x -- a point on the manifold,
egradx -- is the Euclidean gradient of \(f\) , a matrix of the same shape with x,
ehessvp -- is the Euclidean Hessian Productof \(f\) , a linear operator on \(\mathcal{E}\) ,
- Returns:
the value of the Laplace Beltrami operator of \(f\) .
- proj(x, omg)[source]
Metric compatible projection :param x: a point on the manifold, :param omg: a vector on the ambient manifold \(\mathcal{E}\) , :returns: a point the tangent space at x.
- pseudo_transport(x, y, v)[source]
an approximate parallel transport from x to y
- Parameters:
x -- a point on the manifold,
y -- a point on the manifold,
v -- a tangent vector at x,
- Returns:
a tangent vector at y.
Sphere of constant curvature
Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix Manifold
Symmetric Positive Definite Matrix Manifold \(\mathrm{S}^+(p)\) of positive definite matrices of shape \(p\times p\) .
Stiefel Manifold
Stiefel manifold \(\mathrm{St}(n, p, \alpha_0, \alpha_1)\) with metric defined by two parameters.
- class jax_rb.manifolds.stiefel.RealStiefelAlpha(shape, alpha)[source]
The manifold \(Y^TY = I\) where \(Y\) is a matrix of size \(shape=n\times p\) with metric \(\lvert \omega\rvert^2_{\mathsf{g}} =\alpha_0 Tr(\omega^T\omega) +(\alpha_0-\alpha_1)Tr(\omega^TYY^T\omega)\) .
- Parameters:
shape -- tuple (n, p),
alpha -- array of 2 positive numbers.
Grassmann Manifold
Grassmann manifold \(\mathrm{Gr}(n, p)\) of vector spaces of rank \(p\) in a \(n\) -dimension vector space.
- class jax_rb.manifolds.grassmann.Grassmann(shape)[source]
The lift of the Grassman manifold to to the Stiefel manifold \(Y^TY = I\) where \(Y\) is a matrix of \(shape=n\times p\) with metric \(\lvert \omega\rvert^2_{\mathsf{g}} = Tr(\omega^T\omega)\). The lift is with respect to the submersion defined by the relationship \(Y\sim YU\) for an orthogonal matrix \(U\).
Hypersurface with Diagonal constraints Manifold
Hypersurface with a constraint of the form \(\sum_i d_i x_i^p = 1\)
Matrix Lie Group Left Invariant Metric
Base class for matrix groups with left invariant metrics.
Required implementations
- jax_rb.manifolds.matrix_left_invariant.MatrixLeftInvariant._lie_algebra_proj(self, omg)
The projection \(p_{\mathfrak{g}}\) at the identity.
- jax_rb.manifolds.matrix_left_invariant.MatrixLeftInvariant._mat_apply(self, mat, omg)
Implementing the operator \(\mathcal{I}\) applied on omg in \(\mathcal{E}\).
Base class
- class jax_rb.manifolds.matrix_left_invariant.MatrixLeftInvariant(p, g_mat)[source]
Matrix group with left invariant metric.
- Parameters:
p -- the size of the matrix
g_mat -- The matrix defining the inner product at the identity. Typically g_mat is of size \(\dim \mathrm{G}\) .
- approx_nearest(q)[source]
find point on the manifold that is nearest to q, same order as the nearest point.
- g_metric(x, omg)[source]
the metric operator g, which is symmetric. The corresponding metric is \(\langle \omega, g(x)\omega \rangle_{\mathcal{E}}\) .
- id_drift
Ito drift at the identity.
- inner(x, a, b)[source]
Riemannian inner product.
- Parameters:
a -- a vector in ambient space,
b -- a vector in ambient space,
- Returns:
the inner product of a and b using the metric \(\mathsf{g}\) .
- laplace_beltrami(x, egradx, ehessvp)[source]
Laplace Beltrami operator. This works in for vector and matrices. For a specific manifold, this may be simplified. We assume f is a scalar function in a tubular neighborhood of the manifold.
- Parameters:
x -- a point on the manifold,
egradx -- is the Euclidean gradient of \(f\) , a matrix of the same shape with x,
ehessvp -- is the Euclidean Hessian Productof \(f\) , a linear operator on \(\mathcal{E}\) ,
- Returns:
the value of the Laplace Beltrami operator of \(f\) .
- left_invariant_vector_field(x, v)[source]
map from a unit vector in the trace metric to a vector field with unit length in the left invariant metric.
- proj(x, omg)[source]
Metric compatible projection :param x: a point on the manifold, :param omg: a vector on the ambient manifold \(\mathcal{E}\) , :returns: a point the tangent space at x.
- retract(x, v)[source]
Second order retraction
- Parameters:
x -- a point on the manifold,
v -- a tangent vector at x,
- Returns:
a point on the manifold.
- v0
Stratonovich drift at the identity.
\(\mathrm{GL}^+(n)\) Generalized Linear Group Positive Determinant
\(GL^+\): Positive Component of the Generalized Linear group with left-invariant metric.
\(\mathrm{Aff}^+(n)\) Affine Linear Group Positive Determinant
\(Aff^+\): Positive Component of the Affine group with left invariant metric.
- class jax_rb.manifolds.affine_left_invariant.AffineLeftInvariant(n, g_mat)[source]
Group of affine tranformations of \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\), represented by a pair \((A, v)\in GL^+(n)\times \mathbb{R}^{n}\) with action \((A, v).w = Aw + v\) for \(w\in\mathbb{R}^{n}\) .
Alternatively, it is represented as a matrix \(\begin{bmatrix} A & v \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\in GL(n+1)\).
- Parameters:
n -- size of A
g_mat -- a positive definite matrix in \(\mathbb{R}^{n(n+1)\times n(n+1)}\) defining the metric at \(I_{n+1}\)
\(\mathrm{SL}(n)\) Special Linear Group
\(SL\): special linear group of matrices of determinant 1.
- class jax_rb.manifolds.sl_left_invariant.SLLeftInvariant(n, g_mat)[source]
\(SL(n)\) Special linear group, of size \(n\) with left invariant metric defined by g_mat.
- Parameters:
n -- size of the matrix
g_mat -- a positive definite matrix in \(\mathbb{R}^{(n^2-1)\times (n^2-1)}\) defining the metric at \(I_{n}\)
\(\mathrm{SO}(n)\) Special Orthogonal Group
\(SO\): Special Orthogonal group.
- class jax_rb.manifolds.so_left_invariant.SOLeftInvariant(n, g_mat)[source]
The group \(SO(n)\) of orthogonal matrices \(U\in R^{n\times n}\) of determinant 1 with metric \(Tr(\omega^TU^T\mathcal{I}(U^T\omega))\) where \(\mathcal{I}\) is the metric defined by g_mat, a matrix of size \(\mathbb{R}^{\frac{n(n-1)}{2}\times \frac{n(n-1)}{2}}\).
\(\mathrm{SE}(n)\) Special Euclidean Group
\(SE\): Special Euclidean group.
- class jax_rb.manifolds.se_left_invariant.SELeftInvariant(n, g_mat)[source]
Specian Euclidean group of Euclidean transformation of \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\), represented by a pair \((A, v)\in SO^(n)\times \mathbb{R}^{n}\) with action \((A, v).w = Aw + v\) for \(w\in\mathbb{R}^{n}\) .
Alternatively, it is represented as a matrix \(\begin{bmatrix} A & v \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}\in GL(n+1)\) where \(A\in SO(n)\).
- Parameters:
n -- size of A
g_mat -- a positive definite matrix in \(\mathbb{R}^{\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\times\frac{n(n+1)}{2}}\) defining the metric at \(I_{n+1}\)