"""Stiefel manifold :math:`\\mathrm{St}(n, p, \\alpha_0, \\alpha_1)` with metric defined by two parameters.
from functools import partial
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.numpy.linalg as jla
from jax.scipy.linalg import expm
from ..utils.utils import (grand, sym, asym, esqrtm, unvec_skew)
from .global_manifold import GlobalManifold
class RealStiefelAlpha(GlobalManifold):
"""The manifold :math:`Y^TY = I` where :math:`Y` is a matrix of size :math:`shape=n\\times p` with metric :math:`\\lvert \\omega\\rvert^2_{\\mathsf{g}} =\\alpha_0 Tr(\\omega^T\\omega) +(\\alpha_0-\\alpha_1)Tr(\\omega^TYY^T\\omega)` .
:param shape: tuple (n, p),
:param alpha: array of 2 positive numbers.
def __init__(self, shape, alpha):
self.shape = shape
n, p = shape
self.dim = (n-p)*p+(p*(p-1))//2
self.alpha = alpha
def name(self):
return f"Stiefel({self.shape}) alpha={self.alpha}"
def inner(self, x, a, b):
al = self.alpha
return al[0]*jnp.sum(a*b) + (al[1]-al[0])*jnp.sum((x.T@a)*(x.T@b))
def g_metric(self, x, omg):
""" the metric operator g
al = self.alpha
return al[0]*omg + (al[1]-al[0])*x@(x.T@omg)
def inv_g_metric(self, x, omg):
""" inverse of the metric operator g
al = self.alpha
return 1/al[0]*omg + (1/al[1]-1/al[0])*x@(x.T@omg)
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
def proj(self, x, omg):
""" Metric compatible projection
return omg - x@sym(x.T@omg)
def rand_vec(self, key, x):
"""random tangent vector
omg, key = grand(key, self.shape)
return self.proj(x, omg), key
def rand_point(self, key):
""" A random point on the manifold
xt, key = self.rand_ambient(key)
x, _ = jla.qr(xt)
return x, key
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
def gamma(self, x, xi, eta):
"""Christoffel function
def grass_proj(omg):
return omg - x@(x.T@omg)
al = self.alpha
return x@sym(xi.T@eta) \
+ (al[0] - al[1])/al[0]*grass_proj(xi@(eta.T@x) + eta@(xi.T@x))
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
def retract(self, x, v):
""" second order retraction, but simple
x1 = x+ v - 0.5* self.proj(x, self.gamma(x, v, v))
ei, ev = jla.eigh(x1.T@x1)
return x1@ev@((1/jnp.sqrt(ei))[:, None]*ev.T)
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
def approx_nearest(self, q):
""" second order retraction, but simple
# return jax.scipy.linalg.polar(q)[0]
ei, ev = jla.eigh(q.T@q)
return q@ev@((1/jnp.sqrt(ei))[:, None]*ev.T)
def gamma_ambient(self, x, omg1, omg2):
""" gamma of the metric on the ambient space
al = self.alpha
return (al[1]-al[0])*self.inv_g_metric(
+ x@sym(omg1.T@omg2)
+ omg2@asym(x.T@omg1)
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
def ito_drift(self, x):
al = self.alpha
n, p = self.shape
return -0.5*((n-p)/al[0] + 0.5*(p-1)/al[1])*x
def laplace_beltrami(self, x, egradx, ehessvp):
n, p = self.shape
tup = jnp.zeros(self.shape)
ret = 0
for i in range(n):
for j in range(p):
e_ij = tup.at[i, j].set(1.)
ret += self.proj(x, self.inv_g_metric(
x, ehessvp(x, e_ij)))[i, j]
return ret + 2*jnp.sum(self.ito_drift(x)*egradx)
def sigma(self, x, dw):
alh = 1/jnp.sqrt(self.alpha)
return alh[0]*dw + (alh[1]-alh[0])*x@(x.T@dw)
def sigma0(self, x, dw0):
""" dw is a vector space of size self.dim.
We use this for the geodesic
walk strategy. Need storage for the complement
alh = 1/jnp.sqrt(self.alpha)
n, p = self.shape
# ret = alh[1]*x@unvecah(dw0[((p*(p-1)))//2])
pk = ((p*(p-1)))//2
ret = alh[1]*x@unvec_skew(dw0[:pk])
P = esqrtm(x[:p, :].T@x[:p, :])
Q = jla.solve(P, x[:p, :].T).T
B = dw0[pk:].reshape(n-p, p)
ret += alh[0]*jnp.concatenate(
[- Q@x[p:, :].T@B,
B - x[p:, :]@jla.solve(P + jnp.eye(p), x[p:, :].T@B)],
return ret
def pseudo_transport(self, x, y, v):
v1 = self.proj(y, v)
return v1/jnp.sqrt(self.inner(y, v1, v1))
def exp(self, x, eta):
""" Geodesics, the formula involves matrices of size 2d
x : a manifold point
eta : tangent vector
gamma(1), where gamma(t) is the geodesics at Y in direction eta
p = eta.shape[1]
K = eta - x @ (x.T @ eta)
xp, R = jla.qr(K)
alf = self.alpha[1]/self.alpha[0]
A = x.T @ eta
x_mat = jnp.concatenate([
jnp.concatenate([2*alf*A, -R.T], axis=1),
jnp.concatenate([R, jnp.zeros((p, p))], axis=1)], axis=0)
return jnp.array(
jnp.concatenate([x, xp], axis=1) @ expm(x_mat)[:, :p] @ expm((1-2*alf)*A))