Source code for jax_rb.manifolds.global_manifold

"""Base class for manifold in global embedded coordinates
from functools import partial
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from ..utils.utils import (grand)

[docs] class GlobalManifold(metaclass=ABCMeta): """A manifold :math:`\\mathcal{M}` embedded in a vector space :math:`\\mathcal{E}` . """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self): """Constructor :param shape: shape of the ambient vector space, :param dim: dimension of the manifold. """ self.shape = None self.dim = None raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def name(self): """ name of the manifold. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def inner(self, x, a, b): """ Riemannian inner product. :param a: a vector in ambient space, :param b: a vector in ambient space, :return: the inner product of a and b using the metric :math:`\\mathsf{g}` . """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def g_metric(self, x, omg): """ the metric operator g, which is symmetric. The corresponding metric is :math:`\\langle \\omega, g(x)\\omega \\rangle_{\\mathcal{E}}` . """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def inv_g_metric(self, x, omg): """ inverse of the metric operator g. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,)) def proj(self, x, omg): """ Metric compatible projection :param x: a point on the manifold, :param omg: a vector on the ambient manifold :math:`\\mathcal{E}` , :returns: a point the tangent space at x. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def rand_ambient(self, key): """Random ambient vector. """ return grand(key, self.shape)
[docs] def rand_vec(self, key, x): """Random tangent vector at x. """ omg, key = grand(key, self.shape) return self.proj(x, omg), key
[docs] def rand_point(self, key): """ A random point on the manifold. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,)) def gamma(self, x, xi, eta): """Christoffel function. Symmetric for two tangent vectors xi, eta. The corresponding Levi-Civita connection is :math:`\\nabla_{\\mathtt{X}}\\mathtt{Y} = \\mathrm{D}_{\\mathtt{X}}\\mathtt{Y} + \\Gamma(x; \\mathtt{X}, \\mathtt{Y})` for two vector fields :math:`\\mathtt{X}, \\mathtt{Y}`. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def retract(self, x, v): """ Second order retraction :param x: a point on the manifold, :param v: a tangent vector at x, :returns: a point on the manifold. """ # x1 = x + v - 0.5* self.proj(x, self.gamma(x, v, v)) # return jax.scipy.linalg.polar(x1)[0] raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,)) def ito_drift(self, x): """Ito Brownian drift as an ambient vector. """ raise NotImplementedError
# @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
[docs] def laplace_beltrami(self, x, egradx, ehessvp): """ Laplace Beltrami operator. This works in for vector and matrices. For a specific manifold, this may be simplified. We assume f is a scalar function in a tubular neighborhood of the manifold. :param x: a point on the manifold, :param egradx: is the Euclidean gradient of :math:`f` , a matrix of the same shape with x, :param ehessvp: is the Euclidean Hessian Productof :math:`f` , a linear operator on :math:`\\mathcal{E}` , :returns: the value of the Laplace Beltrami operator of :math:`f` . """ ret = 0 ndim = for i in range(ndim): e_i = jnp.zeros(ndim).at[i].set(1.).reshape(self.shape) ret += self.proj(x, self.inv_g_metric( x, ehessvp(x, e_i))).reshape(-1)[i] return ret + 2*jnp.sum(self.ito_drift(x)*egradx)
[docs] def pseudo_transport(self, x, y, v): """ an approximate parallel transport from x to y :param x: a point on the manifold, :param y: a point on the manifold, :param v: a tangent vector at x, :returns: a tangent vector at y. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sigma(self, x, dw): """ Sigma map to generate Brownian motion. :param x: a point on the manifold, :param dw: a point on the ambient space, :return: apoint on the ambient space such that :math:`\\Pi(x) \\sigma(x) \\sigma^{\\mathsf{T}}(x)\\mathsf{g}^{-1}(x) dw = \\Pi(x)dw` """ raise NotImplementedError