""":math:`SL`: special linear group of matrices of determinant 1.
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.numpy.linalg as jla
from .matrix_left_invariant import MatrixLeftInvariant
from ..utils.utils import (grand, complement_basis_for_vector)
class SLLeftInvariant(MatrixLeftInvariant):
""":math:`SL(n)` Special linear group, of size :math:`n` with left invariant metric
defined by g_mat.
:param n: size of the matrix
:param g_mat: a positive definite matrix in :math:`\\mathbb{R}^{(n^2-1)\\times (n^2-1)}` defining the metric at :math:`I_{n}`
def __init__(self, n, g_mat):
""" g_mat is a matrix of size (n**2-1))**2
used to define the metric
normal = 1/jnp.sqrt(n)*jnp.ones(n)
self._u = jnp.concatenate(
[complement_basis_for_vector(normal), normal[:, None]], axis=1)
super().__init__(n, g_mat)
self.dim = n*n-1
def name(self):
return f"SL({self.shape[0]})"
def _vec_sl(self, mat):
""" vectorize an n time n matrix
with structure
upper -> first n(n-1)/2
lower -> next n(n-1)/2
n = mat.shape[0]
ret = jnp.empty(n*n)
n_up = n*(n-1)//2
ret = ret.at[:n_up].set(mat[jnp.triu_indices(n, 1)])
ret = ret.at[n_up:2*n_up].set(mat[jnp.tril_indices(n, -1)])
return ret.at[2*n_up:].set(self._u.T@jnp.diagonal(mat))
def _unvec_sl(self, v):
""" unravel a n*n vector to a trace 0 vector
n = self.shape[0]
ret = jnp.empty((n, n))
n_up = n*(n-1)//2
ret = ret.at[jnp.triu_indices(n, 1)].set(v[:n_up])
ret = ret.at[jnp.tril_indices(n, -1)].set(v[n_up:2*n_up])
return ret.at[jnp.diag_indices(n)].set(self._u@v[2*n_up:])
def _mat_apply(self, mat, omg):
""" mat is of size (n**-1)**2
multiply on all cells except for last one
# return (omg.reshape(-1).at[:-1].set(mat@omg.reshape(-1)[:-1])).reshape(self.shape)
v = self._vec_sl(omg)
return self._unvec_sl(v.at[:-1].set(mat@v[:-1]))
def _lie_algebra_proj(self, omg):
return omg - jnp.diag(jnp.full((self.shape[0]), jnp.trace(omg)/self.shape[0]))
def rand_ambient(self, key):
"""random ambient vector
return grand(key, (self.shape))
def rand_point(self, key):
""" A random point on the manifold
ret, key = self.rand_ambient(key)
if jla.det(ret) < 0:
return self.approx_nearest(ret.at[0, :].set(-ret[0, :])), key
return self.approx_nearest(ret), key
def retract(self, x, v):
""" second order retraction, but simple
return self.approx_nearest(x + v - 0.5* self.proj(x, self.gamma(x, v, v)))
def approx_nearest(self, q):
return q/jla.det(q)**(1/self.shape[0])
def pseudo_transport(self, x, y, v):
"""the easy one
return y@jla.solve(x, v)
def sigma(self, x, dw):
""" sigma is applied on a vector rather than a matrix
return x@self._mat_apply(self._i_sqrt_g_mat, dw)