Source code for jax_rb.manifolds.diag_hypersurface

"""Hypersurface with a constraint of the form :math:`\\sum_i d_i x_i^p = 1`
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.numpy.linalg as jla
from .global_manifold import GlobalManifold
from ..utils.utils import (grand)

[docs] class DiagHypersurface(GlobalManifold): """Hypersurface of the form :math:`\\sum_i d_ix_i^p = 1`. :param dvec: vector :math:`d_i` of coefficients. Sort dvec so dvec[-1] is positive. :param p: :math:`p > 0` is an integer, degree of the constraint. Use embedded metric. """ def __init__(self, dvec, p): self.dvec = dvec self.shape = dvec.shape self.p = p self.dim = dvec.shape[0]-1 def name(self): return f"DH{self.shape[0]-1}, {self.p}" def g_metric(self, x, omg): return omg def inv_g_metric(self, x, omg): return omg def inner(self, x, a, b): return jnp.sum(a*b) def cfunc(self, x): """ constraint for the surface is cfunc(x) = 1 """ return jnp.sum(self.dvec*x**self.p) def grad_c(self, x): """ gradient of cfunc """ return self.p*self.dvec*x**(self.p-1) def rand_point(self, key): """random point on manifold """ p = self.p dvec = self.dvec x, key = grand(key, self.shape) val = self.cfunc(x) if p % 2 == 1: return x/jnp.abs(val)**(1/p)*jnp.sign(val) if val < 0: ret = jnp.concatenate( [x[:-1], jnp.array([1/dvec[-1]*(1-jnp.sum(dvec[:-1]*x[:-1]**p))**(1/p)])]) else: ret = x/val**(1/p) return ret, key def rand_vec(self, key, x): """random tangent vector """ omg, key = grand(key, self.shape) return self.proj_scale(x, omg), key def proj(self, x, omg): """ othogonal projection """ gcx = self.grad_c(x) return omg - gcx*jnp.sum(gcx*omg)/jnp.sum(gcx*gcx) def approx_nearest(self, q): """ tubular retraction. Need some work to show this is actually approx_nearest """ val = self.cfunc(q) return q/val**(1/self.p) def retract(self, x, v): return self.approx_nearest(x + v - 0.5*self.proj_scale(x, self.gamma(x, v, v))) def proj_scale(self, x, omg): """rescale projection """ return omg - x*jnp.sum(self.dvec*x**(self.p-1)*omg) def gamma(self, x, xi, eta): """Christoffel function """ p = self.p gcx = self.grad_c(x) return p*(p-1)*gcx*jnp.sum(self.dvec*x**(p-2)*xi*eta)/jnp.sum(gcx*gcx) def ito_drift(self, x): p = self.p gcx = self.grad_c(x) return -0.5*p*(p-1)*gcx*( jnp.sum(self.dvec*x**(p-2)) - jnp.sum(self.dvec*x**(p-2)*gcx*gcx)/jnp.sum(gcx*gcx) )/jnp.sum(gcx*gcx) def pseudo_transport(self, x, y, v): gcx = self.grad_c(x) gcy = self.grad_c(y) a = jnp.sum(gcy*v)*(jla.norm(gcx)*jla.norm(gcy) - jnp.sum(gcx*gcy)) \ / (jnp.sum(gcx*gcx)*jnp.sum(gcy*gcy) - jnp.sum(gcy*gcx)**2) return v - a*gcx - (jnp.sum(gcy*v) - a*jnp.sum(gcy*gcx))/jnp.sum(gcy*gcy)*gcy def sigma(self, x, dw): return dw def rtr_tan_scale(self, yv, dyv): """retraction to the tangent bundle using rescale projection """ y1 = self.retract(yv[:, 0], dyv[:, 0]) v1 = self.proj_scale(y1, yv[:, 1] + dyv[:, 1]) v1 = v1*jnp.sqrt(self.inner(yv[0], yv[:, 1], yv[:, 1])/self.inner(y1, v1, v1)) return jnp.concatenate([ y1[:, None], v1[:, None]], axis=1) def geodesic(self, x, v, t, nstep=100): """ approximate geodesic using the retraction to the tangent bundle rtr_tan """ yv = jnp.concatenate([x[:, None], v[:, None]], axis=1) h = t/nstep def dyvdt(_, yv): return jnp.concatenate( [yv[:, [1]], -self.gamma(yv[:, 0], yv[:, 1], yv[:, 1])[:, None]], axis=1) t0 = 0 for _ in range(1, nstep+1): # Apply Runge Kutta Formulas to find next value of y k1 = h * dyvdt(t0, yv) k2 = h * dyvdt(t0 + 0.5 * h, yv + 0.5 * k1) k3 = h * dyvdt(t0 + 0.5 * h, yv + 0.5 * k2) k4 = h * dyvdt(t0 + h, yv + k3) yv = self.rtr_tan_scale(yv, (1.0 / 6.0)*(k1 + 2 * k2 + 2 * k3 + k4)) t0 = t0 + h return yv[:, 0], yv[:, 1] def make_tangent_basis(self, x): """ tangent basis at x """ d = self.dim gcx = self.grad_c(x) proj_mat = jnp.eye(self.shape[0]) - gcx[:, None]@gcx[None, :]/jnp.sum(gcx*gcx) _, ev = jla.eigh(proj_mat) cmat = ev[:, 1:] mat = jnp.empty((d, d)) for i in range(d): for j in range(d): mat =[i, j].set(self.inner(x, cmat[:, i], cmat[:, j])) ei, ev = jla.eigh(mat) return cmat@ev@(1/jnp.sqrt(jnp.abs(ei))[:, None]*ev.T)