Source code for jax_rb.manifolds.sphere

""" Sphere of constant curvature

from functools import partial

import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.numpy.linalg as jla
from ..utils.utils import (grand, complement_basis_for_vector)
from .global_manifold import GlobalManifold

[docs] class Sphere(GlobalManifold): """The sphere :math:`x_0^2+x_1^2+\\cdots+x_d^2 = r^2` with sectional curvature :math:`\\frac{1}{r^2}`. :param n: dimension of :math:`\\mathcal{E}` :param r: the radius. """ def __init__(self, n, r): """ """ self.r = r self.dim = n-1 self.shape = (n,) self.x0 = jnp.array([r] + (n-1)*[0.]) def name(self): return f"Sphere S^{self.dim}" def inner(self, x, a, b): return jnp.sum(a*b) def g_metric(self, x, omg): return omg def inv_g_metric(self, x, omg): return omg def dist(self, x, y): """ distance between x and y """ return self.r*jnp.arccos(1/self.r**2*jnp.sum(x*y)) def log(self, x, y): """ Riemannian logarithm """ al = 1/self.r**2*jnp.sum(x*y) return jnp.arccos(al)/(1-al**2)**.5*(y-al*x) def exp(self, x, v): """ geodesic """ vnr = 1/self.r*jnp.sqrt(jnp.sum(v*v)) ret = jnp.cos(vnr)*x + jnp.sin(vnr)*v/vnr return ret/jnp.sqrt(jnp.sum(ret*ret))*self.r @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,)) def geodesic(self, x, v, t): """ geodesic """ return self.exp(x, t*v) def d_exp(self, x, v, t): """ derivative in t of Exp(x, tv) """ vnr = 1/self.r*jnp.sqrt(self.inner(x, v, v)) return -jnp.sin(t*vnr)*vnr*x + jnp.cos(t*vnr)*v def _d2_exp(self, x, v, t): """ second derivativederivative in t of Exp(x, tv) """ vnr = 1/self.r*jnp.sqrt(jnp.sum(v*v)) # return -jnp.cos(t*vnr)*vnr**2*x - jnp.sin(t*vnr)/vnr*v return -jnp.cos(t*vnr)*vnr**2*x - jnp.sin(t*vnr)*vnr*v def rand_point(self, key): xt, key = grand(key, (self.shape[0],)) return xt/jla.norm(xt, 2)*self.r, key def proj(self, x, omg): return omg - 1/self.r**2*x*jnp.sum(x*omg) def pseudo_transport(self, x, y, v): """ This is the real transport """ return v - self.inner(x, y, v)/(self.r**2+self.inner(x, x, y))*(x+y) def transport_along_geodesic(self, x, v1, v, t): """ optimal transport along geodesic """ vnr1 = 1/self.r*jnp.sqrt(jnp.sum(v1*v1)) return v - jnp.sin(t*vnr1)/vnr1*self.inner(x, v1, v)/self.r**2*x \ - 1/self.r**2*jnp.sin(t*vnr1)**2/vnr1**2*self.inner(x, v1, v)/(1+jnp.cos(t*vnr1))*v1 def gamma(self, x, xi, eta): """Christoffel function """ return 1/self.r**2*x*jnp.sum(xi*eta) def ito_drift(self, x): return -1*self.dim/(2*self.r**2) * x def retract(self, x, v): return (x+v)/jnp.sqrt(jnp.sum((x+v)**2))*self.r def approx_nearest(self, q): """ find point on the manifold that is nearest to q, same order as the nearest point """ return q/jnp.sqrt(jnp.sum(q*q))*self.r def sigma(self, x, dw): return dw @partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,)) def make_tangent_basis(self, y): """ yet another way to get complement basis """ cmp = complement_basis_for_vector(y) mat = jax.vmap(lambda v1: jnp.array( [self.inner(y, v1, cmp[:, i]) for i in range(cmp.shape[1])]), in_axes=1, )(cmp) ei, ev = jla.eigh(mat) return cmp@ev@(1/jnp.sqrt(ei)[:, None]*ev.T)