"""Grassmann manifold :math:`\\mathrm{Gr}(n, p)` of vector spaces of rank :math:`p` in a :math:`n` -dimension vector space.
from functools import partial
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.numpy.linalg as jla
from jax.scipy.linalg import expm
from ..utils.utils import (esqrtm)
from .global_manifold import GlobalManifold
class Grassmann(GlobalManifold):
The lift of the Grassman manifold to to the Stiefel manifold :math:`Y^TY = I` where :math:`Y` is a matrix of :math:`shape=n\\times p` with metric :math:`\\lvert \\omega\\rvert^2_{\\mathsf{g}} = Tr(\\omega^T\\omega)`. The lift is with respect to the submersion defined by the relationship :math:`Y\\sim YU` for an orthogonal matrix :math:`U`.
def __init__(self, shape):
self.shape = shape
n, p = shape
self.dim = (n-p)*p
def name(self):
return f"Gr({self.shape[0]}, {self.shape[1]})"
def inner(self, x, a, b):
return jnp.sum(a*b)
def g_metric(self, x, omg):
""" the metric operator g
return omg
def inv_g_metric(self, x, omg):
""" inverse of the metric operator g
return omg
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
def proj(self, x, omg):
""" Metric compatible projection
return omg - x@x.T@omg
def rand_point(self, key):
""" A random point on the manifold
xt, key = self.rand_ambient(key)
x, _ = jla.qr(xt)
return x, key
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
def gamma(self, x, xi, eta):
"""Christoffel function
return x@(xi.T@eta)
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
def retract(self, x, v):
""" second order retraction, but simple
x1 = x+ v
ei, ev = jla.eigh(x1.T@x1)
return x1@ev@((1/jnp.sqrt(ei))[:, None]*ev.T)
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
def approx_nearest(self, q):
""" second order retraction, but simple
# return jax.scipy.linalg.polar(q)[0]
ei, ev = jla.eigh(q.T@q)
return q@ev@((1/jnp.sqrt(ei))[:, None]*ev.T)
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
def ito_drift(self, x):
n, p = self.shape
return -0.5*(n-p)*x
@partial(jax.jit, static_argnums=(0,))
def stratonovic_drift(self, _):
""" stratnovich drift
return jnp.zeros_like(self.shape)
def laplace_beltrami(self, x, egradx, ehessvp):
n, p = self.shape
tup = jnp.zeros(self.shape)
ret = 0
for i in range(n):
for j in range(p):
e_ij = tup.at[i, j].set(1.)
ret += self.proj(x, self.inv_g_metric(
x, ehessvp(x, e_ij)))[i, j]
return ret + 2*jnp.sum(self.ito_drift(x)*egradx)
def sigma(self, x, dw):
return dw
def sigma0(self, x, dw0):
""" dw is a vector space of size self.dim.
We use this for the geodesic
walk strategy. Need storage for the complement
n, p = self.shape
ret = jnp.zeros_like(x)
P = esqrtm(x[:p, :].T@x[:p, :])
Q = jla.solve(P, x[:p, :].T).T
B = dw0.reshape(n-p, p)
ret += jnp.concatenate(
[- Q@x[p:, :].T@B,
B - x[p:, :]@jla.solve(P + jnp.eye(p), x[p:, :].T@B)],
return ret
def pseudo_transport(self, x, y, v):
"""This is the actual parallel transport
# v1 = self.proj(y, v)
# return v1/jnp.sqrt(self.inner(y, v1, v1))
u, s, w = jla.svd(x.T@y)
return (- x@u - y@w.T)@jnp.diag(1/(1+s))@w@(y.T@v) + v
def exp(self, x, eta):
""" Geodesics, the formula involves matrices of size 2d
x : a manifold point
eta : tangent vector
gamma(1), where gamma(t) is the geodesics at Y in direction eta
p = eta.shape[1]
xp, r = jla.qr(eta)
x_mat = jnp.concatenate([
jnp.concatenate([jnp.zeros((p, p)), -r.T], axis=1),
jnp.concatenate([r, jnp.zeros((p, p))], axis=1)], axis=0)
return jnp.concatenate([x, xp], axis=1) @ expm(x_mat)[:, :p]