"""various utils for the project
import jax.numpy as jnp
import jax.numpy.linalg as jla
from jax import random, jit
def pos(x):
""" max(x, 0), jit friendly
return 0.5*(x+jnp.abs(x))
def asym(mat):
return 0.5*(mat - mat.T)
def sym2(mat):
return mat + mat.T
def sym(a):
return 0.5*sym2(a)
def grand(key, dims):
""" generate a random array of shape dim using key
key, sk = random.split(key)
return random.normal(sk, dims), key
def lyapunov(a, b):
"""solve aU + Ua = b
A, B, U are symmetric
yei, yv = jla.eigh(a)
return yv@((yv.T@b@yv)/(yei[:, None] + yei[None, :]))@yv.T
def vcat(x, y):
"""vertical concatenate
return jnp.concatenate([x, y], axis=0)
def sinc(x):
""" better sinc than
if jnp.abs(x) <= 1e-20:
return 1
return jnp.sin(x)/x
def sinc1(x):
"""sinc1 is dsinc/x
if jnp.abs(x) < 1e-6:
return -1/3 + x*x/2/3/5
return (x*jnp.cos(x)-jnp.sin(x))/x/x/x
def sinc2(x):
""" helper function, derivative of sinc1 = x*sinc2(x)
if jnp.abs(x) < 1e-3:
return 1/15 - x*x/210 + x*x*x*x / 7560
return -((x*x-3)*jnp.sin(x) + 3*x*jnp.cos(x))/x**5
def dsinc(x):
"""Derivative of sinc
if jnp.abs(x) < 1e-6:
return -1/3*x + x*x*x/30
return (x*jnp.cos(x)-jnp.sin(x))/x/x
def dsinc1(x):
"""sinc1 is dsinc/x
dsinc1 is its derivative
return x*sinc2(x)
def complement_basis_for_vector(xraw):
""" complement basis of xraw, a non zero vector. Assume x[0] !=0
x = xraw/jnp.sqrt(jnp.sum(xraw*xraw))
q = 2.*(x[0] > 0) - 1
p = x[0]/q
return jnp.concatenate(
[-q*x[1:].reshape(1, -1),
jnp.eye(x.shape[0]-1)-1/(1+p)*x[1:][:, None]@x[1:][None, :]])
def esqrtm(x):
""" sqrtm by eigenvalue
ei, ev = jla.eigh(x)
return ev@(jnp.sqrt(ei)[:, None]*ev.T)
def make_complement_basis(x):
""" make complement basis of
n, p = x.shape
P = esqrtm(x[:p, :].T@x[:p, :])
Q = jla.solve(P, x[:p, :].T).T
return jnp.concatenate([- Q@x[p:, :].T,
jnp.eye(n-p) - x[p:, :]@jla.solve(P + jnp.eye(p), x[p:, :].T)],
def generate_symmetric_tensor(key, k, m):
"""Generating symmetric tensor size k,m
mat = jnp.full(tuple(m*[k]), jnp.nan)
current_idx = m*[0]
active_i = m - 1
tval, key = grand(key, (1,))
mat = mat.at[tuple(current_idx)].set(tval[0])
while True:
if current_idx[active_i] < k - 1:
current_idx[active_i] += 1
if jnp.isnan(mat[tuple(current_idx)]):
i_s = tuple(sorted(current_idx))
if jnp.isnan(mat[i_s]):
tval, key = grand(key, (1,))
mat = mat.at[i_s].set(tval[0])
# print('Doing %s' % str(i_s))
mat = mat.at[tuple(current_idx)].set(mat[i_s])
# print('Doing %s' % str(current_idx))
elif active_i == 0:
next_pos = jnp.where(jnp.array(current_idx)[:active_i] < k-1)[0]
if next_pos.shape[0] == 0:
current_idx[next_pos[-1]] += 1
for jx in range(next_pos[-1]+1, m):
current_idx[jx] = 0
active_i = m - 1
if jnp.isnan(mat[tuple(current_idx)]):
i_s = tuple(sorted(current_idx))
if jnp.isnan(mat[i_s]):
tval, key = grand(key, (1,))
mat = mat.at[i_s].set(tval)
# print('Doing %s' % str(i_s))
mat = mat.at[tuple(current_idx)].set(mat[i_s])
# print('Doing %s' % str(current_idx))
return mat, key
def _fill_symmetric(p_raw, k):
"""Fill a k by k matrix with p_raw symmetrically
p = jnp.zeros((k, k))
start = 0
for i in range(k-1):
p = p.at[i, i+1:].set(p_raw[start:start+k-i-1])
p = p.at[i+1:, i].set(p_raw[start:start+k-i-1])
start += k-i-1
return jnp.fill_diagonal(p, p_raw[-k:], inplace=False)
def tv_mode_product(tensor, x, modes):
""" Evaluating tensor subsituting x for the last modes times indices
v = tensor
for _ in range(modes):
v = jnp.tensordot(v, x, axes=1)
return v
def _gen_so_inertia_matrix(key, n):
""" generate an n times n symmetric matrix
with diagonal 1
i_mat, key = grand(key, (n , n))
i_mat = sym(jnp.abs(i_mat))
i_mat = i_mat.at[jnp.diag_indices(n)].set(1.)
return i_mat, key
def _old_rand_positive_definite(key, n):
""" generate a positive definite matrix of size n
# n2 = (n*(n-1)) // 2
mat, key = grand(key, (n, n))
mat = mat@mat.T
return sym(mat), key
def rand_positive_definite(key, n, bounds=None):
""" generate a positive definite matrix of size n
# n2 = (n*(n-1)) // 2
mat, key = grand(key, (n, n))
if not bounds:
return sym(mat@mat.T), key
mat, _ = jla.qr(mat)
key, sk = random.split(key)
ei = random.uniform(sk, (n,), minval =bounds[0], maxval=bounds[1])
mat = mat@(ei[:, None]*mat.T)
return sym(mat), key
def _so_metric_opt(lu_mat, a):
""" bilinear form given by lu_mat operates on a.
lu_mat is a (n(n-1)/2)*(n(n-1)/2) matrix, operates on vectorization
of the upper and lower triangular matrices so the overall operation is
p = a.shape[0]
rows, cols = jnp.triu_indices(p, 1)
ret = jnp.empty((p, p))
ret = ret.at[rows, cols].set(lu_mat@a.take(rows*p+cols))
ret = ret.at[cols, rows].set(lu_mat@a.T.take(rows*p+cols))
ret = ret.at[jnp.diag_indices(p)].set(a[jnp.diag_indices(p)])
return ret
def _inv_so_metric_opt(lu_mat, a):
""" invert of lu_mat
p = a.shape[0]
rows, cols = jnp.triu_indices(p, 1)
ret = jnp.empty((p, p))
ret = ret.at[rows, cols].set(jla.solve(lu_mat, a.take(rows*p+cols)))
# rows, cols = jnp.tril_indices(p, -1)
ret = ret.at[cols, rows].set(jla.solve(lu_mat, a.T.take(rows*p+cols)))
ret = ret.at[jnp.diag_indices(p)].set(a[jnp.diag_indices(p)])
return ret
def unvec_skew(v):
""" unravel a n(n-1)//2 vector to anti hermitian matrix
sqrt2 = jnp.sqrt(2.)
rows = .5 * (1 + jnp.sqrt(1 + 8 * v.shape[0]))
rows = jnp.round(rows).astype(int)
result = jnp.zeros((rows, rows))
result = result.at[jnp.triu_indices(rows, 1)].set(v)
return (result.T - result)/sqrt2
def unvec_anti_hermitian(v):
""" unravel a n(n-1)//2 vector to anti hermitian matrix
sqrt2 = jnp.sqrt(2)
rows = .5 * (1 + jnp.sqrt(1 + 8 * len(v)))
rows = int(jnp.round(rows))
result = jnp.zeros((rows, rows))
result = result.at[jnp.triu_indices(rows, 1)].set(v)
return (result.T.conjugate() - result)/sqrt2
def unvech(v):
""" Unvvectorize a symmetric matrix to a real vector
Undoing the vech operation.
sqrt2*upper triangular part concatenate with diagonal
This is compatible with the trace(a@b) metric
v : A vector
the symmetric matrix undoing the vech operation
sqrt2 = jnp.sqrt(2)
# quadratic formula, correct fp error
rows = .5 * (-1 + jnp.sqrt(1 + 8 * v.shape[0]))
rows = jnp.round(rows).astype(int)
result = jnp.zeros((rows, rows))
result = result.at[jnp.triu_indices(rows)].set(v/jnp.sqrt(2))
result = result.at[jnp.diag_indices(rows)].set(
# result = (result + result.T)/sqrt2
# divide diagonal elements by 2
return result + result.T
def lie(a, b):
""" Lie Bracket
return a@b - b@a
def jpolar(x):
""" jax polar decomposition
return jla.solve(esqrtm(x.T@x), x.T).T