Source code for jax_rb.simulation.retractive_integrator

"""Module implementing the retractive Euler-Maruyama integrator.
from functools import partial

import jax.numpy as jnp
from jax import jit

[docs] @partial(jit, static_argnums=(0,2,5,6)) def retractive_move(rtr, x, t, unit_move, scale, sigma, mu): """ Simulating the equation :math:`dX_t = \\mu(X_t, t) dt + \\sigma(X_t, t) dW_t` using the retraction rtr. We do not assume a Riemanian metric on the manifold, :math:`\\sigma\\sigma^T` could be degenerated on :math:`T\\mathcal{M}`. W is a Wiener process driving the equation, defined on :math:`\\mathbb{R}^k`. W is given by unit_move. :math:`\\sigma(X_t, t)` maps :math:`\\mathbb{R}^k` to :math:`\\mathcal{E}`, but the image belongs to :math:`T_{X_t}\\mathcal{M}`. The retraction rtr is assume to have the method :math:`\\text{drift_adj}` for an adjustment. The move is :math:`x_{new} = \\mathfrak{r}(x, \\Pi(x)\\sigma(x)(\\text{unit_move}(\\text{scale})^{\\frac{1}{2}}) + \\text{scale} (\\mu + \\text{drift_adj}))`. :param rtr: the retraction, :param x: a point on the manifold, :param t: time :param unit_move: a random normal draw :param scale: scaling :param sigma: a function implementing the map :math:`\\sigma` :param mu: a function implementing the Ito drift :math:`\\mu` """ return rtr.retract(x, sigma(x, t, unit_move)*jnp.sqrt(scale) + scale*(mu(x, t) + rtr.drift_adjust(sigma, x, t, unit_move.shape[0])))
[docs] @partial(jit, static_argnums=(0,2,5,6)) def retractive_move_normalized(rtr, x, t, unit_move, scale, sigma, mu): """ Similar to retractive_move, but the stochastic part is normalized to have fixed length :math:`scale^{\\frac{1}{2}}` """ # v = mnf.proj(x, mnf.sigma(x, unit_move.reshape(mnf.shape))) # v = v/jnp.sqrt(mnf.inner(x, v, v))*jnp.sqrt(scale) # return mnf.retract(x, v) v = sigma(x, t, unit_move) mnf = rtr.mnf return rtr.retract(x, sigma(x, t, v/jnp.sqrt(mnf.inner(x, v, v))*jnp.sqrt(scale*mnf.dim)) + scale*(mu(x, t) + rtr.drift_adjust(sigma, x, t, unit_move.shape[0])))