The numpy version. While this version does not offer the AD feature of JAX, it may be faster on CPU, and we can use expm_multiply, which is not yet implemented in JAX



Stiefel manifold \(\mathrm{St}((n, d), \alpha)\) with metric defined by a parameters \(\alpha\).

par_trans.manifolds.stiefel.par_bal(b, ar, salp)[source]

balanced parallel operator \(s_{salp}(P(ar, s_{\frac{1}{salp}}(b)))\), where s is the operator scaling the top \(d\times d\) block in a \(n\times d\) matrix by the subscript argument. salp is typically \(\alpha^{\frac{1}{2}}\). This operator is antisymmetric when restricted to the tangent space at \(I_{n,d}\).

par_trans.manifolds.stiefel.solve_w(b, ar, alp, t, tol=None)[source]

The exponential action \(expv(tP_{ar}, b)\) when the metric is given by the parameter \(\alpha\). The calculation uses the 1-norm estimate in the local function one_norm_est.

class par_trans.manifolds.stiefel.Stiefel(n, d, alpha, null_cut_off=1e-12)[source]

\(\mathrm{St}_{n,d}\) with an invariant metric defined by a parameter.

  • p – the size of the matrix

  • alpha – the metric is \(tr \eta^{T}\eta+(\alpha-1)tr\eta^TYY^T\eta\).


point on the manifold that is approximately nearest to q

christoffel_gamma(x, xi, eta)[source]

function representing the Christoffel symbols

dexp(x, v, t, ddexp=False)[source]

Higher derivative of Exponential function.

  • x – the initial point \(\gamma(0)\)

  • v – the initial velocity \(\dot{\gamma}(0)\)

  • t – time.

If ddexp is False, we return \(\gamma(t), \dot{\gamma}(t)\). Otherwise, we return \(\gamma(t), \dot{\gamma}(t), \ddot{\gamma}(t)\).

exp(x, v)[source]

geodesic, or riemannian exponential

inner(x, xi, eta)[source]

Inner product

make_ar(a, r)[source]

lift ar a tangent vector to the manifold at \(I_{n,d}\) to a square matrix, the lifted horizontal vector at \(I_n\in SO(n)\).


name of the object

parallel(x, xi, eta, t)[source]

parallel transport. The exponential action is computed using expv, with our customized estimate of 1_norm of the operator P

  • x – a point on the manifold

  • xi – the initial velocity of the geodesic

  • eta – the vector to be transported

  • t – time.

parallel_expm_multiply(x, xi, eta, t)[source]

parallel transport. The exponential action is computed using expm_multiply from scipy.

  • x – a point on the manifold

  • xi – the initial velocity of the geodesic

  • eta – the vector to be transported

  • t – time.


random ambient vector


A random point on the manifold


A random tangent vector to the manifold at x

retract(x, v)[source]

second order retraction.

timed_parallel(x, xi, eta, t, timer)[source]

parallel transport. The exponential action is computed using expv, with our customized estimate of 1_norm of the operator P

  • x – a point on the manifold

  • xi – the initial velocity of the geodesic

  • eta – the vector to be transported

  • t – time.

  • timer – a timer, a callable, typically perf_counter or process_time


\(Flag\): Flag manifold. Quotient of \(\mathrm{St}((n, d), \alpha)\) by a block diagonal group. For \(\alpha=\frac{1}{2}\), we have an efficient formula for parallel transport.

par_trans.manifolds.flag.solve_w(b, ar, flg, t, tol=None)[source]

The exponential action \(expv(tP_{ar}, b)\) when the metric is given by the parameter \(\alpha\). The calculation uses the 1-norm estimate in the local function one_norm_est.

class par_trans.manifolds.flag.Flag(dvec, alpha=0.5)[source]

\(Flag(\vec{d})\) with a homogeneous metric defined by a parameter. Realized as a quotient of a Stiefel manifold


alpha – the metric is \(tr \eta^{T}\eta+(\alpha-1)tr\eta^TYY^T\eta\).

For ease of implementation, \(d_{p+1}\) is renamed d[0] and saved at top of dvec.


point on the manifold that is approximately nearest to q

christoffel_gamma(x, xi, eta)[source]

function representing the Christoffel symbols

dexp(x, v, t, ddexp=False)[source]

Higher derivative of Exponential function.

  • x – the initial point \(\gamma(0)\)

  • v – the initial velocity \(\dot{\gamma}(0)\)

  • t – time.

If ddexp is False, we return \(\gamma(t), \dot{\gamma}(t)\). Otherwise, we return \(\gamma(t), \dot{\gamma}(t), \ddot{\gamma}(t)\).

exp(x, v)[source]

geodesic, or riemannian exponential

inner(x, xi, eta)[source]

Inner product

make_ar(a, r)[source]

lift ar a tangent vector to the manifold at \(I_{n,d}\) to a square matrix, the lifted horizontal vector at \(I_n\in SO(n)\).


name of the object

parallel_canonical(x, xi, eta, t)[source]

only works for alpha = .5 using expv, with our customized estimate of 1_norm of the operator P

  • x – a point on the manifold

  • xi – the initial velocity of the geodesic

  • eta – the vector to be transported

  • t – time.

parallel_canonical_expm_multiply(x, xi, eta, t)[source]

only works for alpha = .5 parallel transport. Only works for alpha = .5 The exponential action is computed using expv, with our customized estimate of 1_norm of the operator P

  • x – a point on the manifold

  • xi – the initial velocity of the geodesic

  • eta – the vector to be transported

  • t – time.

proj(x, omg)[source]

projection to horizontal space


projection to horizontal space


random ambient vector


A random point on the manifold


A random vector at x

retract(x, v)[source]

second order retraction


symmetrize but keep diagonal blocks unchanged

timed_parallel_canonical(x, xi, eta, t, timer)[source]

only works for alpha = .5 using expv, with our customized estimate of 1_norm of the operator P

  • x – a point on the manifold

  • xi – the initial velocity of the geodesic

  • eta – the vector to be transported

  • t – time.

  • timer – a timer, a callable, typically perf_counter or process_time


\(GL^+\): Positive Component of the Generalized Linear group with a Cheeger deformation metric.

class par_trans.manifolds.glp_beta.GLpBeta(n, beta)[source]

\(GL^+\) with left invariant metric defined by a parameter.

  • p – the size of the matrix

  • beta\((\beta_0, \beta_1)\): the metric at the identity is \(\beta_0tr \mathtt{g}^2 -\beta_1 tr\mathtt{g}_{\mathfrak{a}}^2\).


point on the manifold that is approximately nearest to q. Just q

christoffel_gamma(x, xi, eta)[source]

the Christoffel symbol, as a function

dexp(x, v, t, ddexp=False)[source]

Higher derivative of Exponential function.

  • x – the initial point \(\gamma(0)\)

  • v – the initial velocity \(\dot{\gamma}(0)\)

  • t – time.

If ddexp is False, we return \(\gamma(t), \dot{\gamma}(t)\). Otherwise, we return \(\gamma(t), \dot{\gamma}(t), \ddot{\gamma}(t)\).

exp(x, v)[source]

geodesic, or riemannian exponential

inner(x, xi, eta)[source]

Inner product


name of the object

parallel(x, xi, eta, t)[source]

parallel transport. The exponential action is computed using expm_multiply from scipy.

  • x – a point on the manifold

  • xi – the initial velocity of the geodesic

  • eta – the vector to be transported

  • t – time.

proj(_, omg)[source]

Projection to \(T_xG\). The identity map in this case


random ambient vector


A random point on the manifold


A random tangent vector on the manifold

retract(x, v)[source]

second order retraction


\(SO\): Special Orthogonal group with a Cheeger deformation metric.

class par_trans.manifolds.so_alpha.SOAlpha(n, k, alpha)[source]

\(SO\) with left invariant metric defined by a parameter.

  • n – the size of the matrix

  • alpha – the metric at the identity is \(-\frac{1}{2}tr \mathtt{g}^2-\frac{2\alpha-1}{2}tr\mathtt{g}_{\mathfrak{a}}^2\)

christoffel_gamma(x, xi, eta)[source]

function evaluating the christoffel symbols, simplified

christoffel_gamma_lie(x, xi, eta)[source]

function evaluating the christoffel symbols in Lie bracket form

dexp(x, v, t, ddexp=False)[source]

Higher derivative of Exponential function.

  • x – the initial point \(\gamma(0)\)

  • v – the initial velocity \(\dot{\gamma}(0)\)

  • t – time.

If ddexp is False, we return \(\gamma(t), \dot{\gamma}(t)\). Otherwise, we return \(\gamma(t), \dot{\gamma}(t), \ddot{\gamma}(t)\).

exp(x, v)[source]

geodesic, or riemannian exponential

inner(x, xi, eta)[source]

Inner product


name of the object

parallel(x, xi, eta, t)[source]

parallel transport. The exponential action is computed using expm_multiply from scipy.

  • x – a point on the manifold

  • xi – the initial velocity of the geodesic

  • eta – the vector to be transported

  • t – time.

proj(x, omg)[source]

Projection to \(T_xG\).


random ambient vector


A random point on the manifold


A random tangent vector at x

retract(x, v)[source]

second order retraction



Compute the action of the matrix exponential. This module is taken from scipy, the one difference is we add the option use_frag_31 to see if the more difficult algorithm requiring the estimation of a higher norm makes much of a difference. This more difficult estimate is one of the reasons the algorithm is still not adapted for JAX. We use this module to show it is sufficient to use only the 1-norm in our case.

par_trans.utils.expm_multiply_np.expm_multiply(A, B, start=None, stop=None, num=None, endpoint=None, traceA=None, use_frag_31=True)[source]

Compute the action of the matrix exponential of A on B, using the algorithm described in [1] and [2] .


Atransposable linear operator

The operator whose exponential is of interest.


The matrix or vector to be multiplied by the matrix exponential of A.

startscalar, optional

The starting time point of the sequence.

stopscalar, optional

The end time point of the sequence, unless endpoint is set to False. In that case, the sequence consists of all but the last of num + 1 evenly spaced time points, so that stop is excluded. Note that the step size changes when endpoint is False.

numint, optional

Number of time points to use.

endpointbool, optional

If True, stop is the last time point. Otherwise, it is not included.

traceAscalar, optional

Trace of A. If not given the trace is estimated for linear operators, or calculated exactly for sparse matrices. It is used to precondition A, thus an approximate trace is acceptable. For linear operators, traceA should be provided to ensure performance as the estimation is not guaranteed to be reliable for all cases.

use_frag_31bool, optional

Indicates if we use high_p or not.



The result of the action \(e^{t_k A} B\).



If A is a linear operator and traceA=None (default).


The optional arguments defining the sequence of evenly spaced time points are compatible with the arguments of numpy.linspace.

The output ndarray shape is somewhat complicated so I explain it here. The ndim of the output could be either 1, 2, or 3. It would be 1 if you are computing the expm action on a single vector at a single time point. It would be 2 if you are computing the expm action on a vector at multiple time points, or if you are computing the expm action on a matrix at a single time point. It would be 3 if you want the action on a matrix with multiple columns at multiple time points. If multiple time points are requested, expm_A_B[0] will always be the action of the expm at the first time point, regardless of whether the action is on a vector or a matrix.



>>> import numpy as np
>>> from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
>>> from scipy.sparse.linalg import expm, expm_multiply
>>> A = csc_matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
>>> A.toarray()
array([[1, 0],
       [0, 1]], dtype=int64)
>>> B = np.array([np.exp(-1.), np.exp(-2.)])
>>> B
array([ 0.36787944,  0.13533528])
>>> expm_multiply(A, B, start=1, stop=2, num=3, endpoint=True)
array([[ 1.        ,  0.36787944],
       [ 1.64872127,  0.60653066],
       [ 2.71828183,  1.        ]])
>>> expm(A).dot(B)                  # Verify 1st timestep
array([ 1.        ,  0.36787944])
>>> expm(1.5*A).dot(B)              # Verify 2nd timestep
array([ 1.64872127,  0.60653066])
>>> expm(2*A).dot(B)                # Verify 3rd timestep
array([ 2.71828183,  1.        ])


Common util functions



check if zero

par_trans.utils.utils.hcat(x, y)[source]

horizontal concatenate

par_trans.utils.utils.lie(a, b)[source]

Lie bracket



par_trans.utils.utils.vcat(x, y)[source]

vertical concatenate