Source code for par_trans.manifolds.so_alpha

""":math:`SO`: Special Orthogonal group with a Cheeger deformation metric.
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as la
from numpy.random import randn
from par_trans.utils.utils import (sym, asym, lie)
from scipy.linalg import expm
from scipy.sparse.linalg import expm_multiply, LinearOperator

[docs] class SOAlpha(): """:math:`SO` with left invariant metric defined by a parameter. :param n: the size of the matrix :param alpha: the metric at the identity is :math:`-\\frac{1}{2}tr \\mathtt{g}^2-\\frac{2\\alpha-1}{2}tr\\mathtt{g}_{\\mathfrak{a}}^2` """ def __init__(self, n, k, alpha): self.shape = (n, n) self.alpha = alpha self.k = k
[docs] def name(self): """ name of the object """ return f"SO({self.shape[0]}) alpha={self.alpha}"
[docs] def inner(self, x, xi, eta): """ Inner product """ alp, k = self.alpha, self.k ix_xi = x.T@xi ix_eta = x.T@eta return 0.5*np.sum(xi*eta) + (alp-.5)*np.sum(ix_xi[:k, :k]*ix_eta[:k, :k])
[docs] def proj(self, x, omg): """Projection to :math:`T_xG`. """ return x@asym(x.T@omg)
def _lie_proj_a(self, omg): k = self.k ret = np.zeros_like(omg) ret[:k, :k] = omg[:k, :k] return ret
[docs] def rand_ambient(self): """random ambient vector """ return randn(*(self.shape))
[docs] def rand_point(self): """ A random point on the manifold """ return la.qr(self.rand_ambient())[0]
[docs] def rand_vec(self, x): """ A random tangent vector at x """ return self.proj(x, self.rand_ambient())
[docs] def retract(self, x, v): """ second order retraction """ return x + v - 0.5* self.proj(x, self.christoffel_gamma(x, v, v))
def approx_nearest(self, q): return la.qr(q)[0]
[docs] def exp(self, x, v): """ geodesic, or riemannian exponential """ alp, k = self.alpha, self.k a = x.T@v a_k = a[:k, :k] a_alp = a.copy() a_alp[:k, :k] = 2*alp*a_k xe_a_alp = x@expm(a_alp) xe_a_alp[:, :k] = xe_a_alp[:, :k]@expm((1-2*alp)*a_k) return xe_a_alp
[docs] def dexp(self, x, v, t, ddexp=False): """ Higher derivative of Exponential function. :param x: the initial point :math:`\\gamma(0)` :param v: the initial velocity :math:`\\dot{\\gamma}(0)` :param t: time. If ddexp is False, we return :math:`\\gamma(t), \\dot{\\gamma}(t)`. Otherwise, we return :math:`\\gamma(t), \\dot{\\gamma}(t), \\ddot{\\gamma}(t)`. """ alp, k = self.alpha, self.k a = x.T@v a_k = a[:k, :k] a_alp = a.copy() a_alp[:k, :k] = 2*alp*a_k xe_a_alp_tmp = x@expm(t*a_alp) e_a_k = expm(t*(1-2*alp)*a_k) xe_a_alp = np.concatenate([xe_a_alp_tmp[:, :k]@e_a_k, xe_a_alp_tmp[:, k:]], axis=1) dxe_a_alp = xe_a_alp_tmp@a dxe_a_alp[:, :k] = dxe_a_alp[:, :k]@e_a_k if not ddexp: return xe_a_alp, dxe_a_alp lie_a_a_k = np.zeros(x.shape) lie_a_a_k[k:, :k] = a[k:, :k]@a_k lie_a_a_k[:k, k:] = -lie_a_a_k[k:, :k].T ddxe_a_alp = xe_a_alp_tmp@(a@a + (1-2*alp)*lie_a_a_k) ddxe_a_alp[:, :k] = ddxe_a_alp[:, :k]@e_a_k return xe_a_alp, dxe_a_alp, ddxe_a_alp
[docs] def christoffel_gamma_lie(self, x, xi, eta): """ function evaluating the christoffel symbols in Lie bracket form """ alp, k = self.alpha, self.k ix_xi = x.T@xi ix_eta = x.T@eta ix_xi0 = np.zeros(x.shape) ix_eta0 = np.zeros(x.shape) ix_xi0[:k, :k] = ix_xi[:k, :k] ix_eta0[:k, :k] = ix_eta[:k, :k] return 0.5*x@(xi.T@eta + eta.T@xi) \ + (1-2*alp)/2*x@(lie(ix_xi0, ix_eta) + lie(ix_eta0, ix_xi))
[docs] def christoffel_gamma(self, x, xi, eta): """ function evaluating the christoffel symbols, simplified """ alp, k = self.alpha, self.k ix_xi = x.T@xi ix_eta = x.T@eta lie2 = np.zeros_like(x) lie2[k:, :k] = - ix_xi[k:, :k]@ix_eta[:k, :k] - ix_eta[k:, :k]@ix_xi[:k, :k] lie2[:k, k:] = -lie2[k:, :k].T return 0.5*x@(xi.T@eta + eta.T@xi) + (1-2*alp)/2*x@lie2
[docs] def parallel(self, x, xi, eta, t): """parallel transport. The exponential action is computed using expm_multiply from scipy. :param x: a point on the manifold :param xi: the initial velocity of the geodesic :param eta: the vector to be transported :param t: time. """ alp, n, k = self.alpha, self.shape[0], self.k a = x.T@xi a_k = a[:k, :k] a_alp = a.copy() a_alp[:k, :k] = 2*alp*a_k xe_a_alp = x@expm(t*a_alp) e_a_k = expm(t*(1-2*alp)*a_k) b = x.T@eta a_k_0 = np.zeros_like(x) a_k_0[:k, :k] = a_k def par(b): return 0.5*(lie(b, a) + (1-2*alp)*(lie(a_k_0, b) - lie(self._lie_proj_a(b), a))) def par_T(b): return 0.5*(lie(b, a.T) + (1-2*alp)*(lie(-a_k_0, b) - self._lie_proj_a((lie(b, a.T))))) p_opt = LinearOperator((n**2, n**2), matvec=lambda w: t*par(w.reshape(n, n)).reshape(-1), rmatvec=lambda w: t*par_T(w.reshape(n, n)).reshape(-1)) ccc = expm_multiply(p_opt, b.reshape(-1), traceA=0).reshape(n, n) return xe_a_alp@np.concatenate([ccc[:, :k]@e_a_k, ccc[:, k:]], axis=1)